When it's late at night, and I'm lying awake, I still often think about you. I think about the day we met, and the last day we saw each other, before it was over.
I remember so clearly your captivating eyes, and a smile that caught me so unbelievably off guard. I remember looking at you in that moment, the very second we met, and being totally floored by you. This was different to any other experience I had. The feeling of complete vulnerability, knowing those eyes could immediately see past the facade I show to the world. You saw right through me, and you appreciated me for who I was, and that was something I had never experienced before. I think about the drinks we had together, and I hear your laugh in my mind; once a source of unbelievable comfort, and now a source of sadness. It's weird to me, that something that can bring you such joy at one point in time, can be the deepest source of pain less than a year later...
I think about that night we said we loved each other. The way your eyes lit up like I'd never seen before. The way you gasped and smiled ear to ear. I remember how I felt when you said it back... At that moment in time, I don't think I'd ever felt happier in my life.
When things ended, it hit me so hard and I wish you gave us the chance to work. To communicate. To figure things out. Sadly I think it was just too much for you, despite what was said. You were a part of me, a part I'll carry for the rest of my life. Once a source of joy, then a source of pain. Now? You will be a great memory, to learn from as I move on in my life. Part of me will always yearn for you. That part of me will always dream you come back to me, and we figure things out, to live that fairy tale again.
Written by sleepy-dog-704